Founded by Dominican friars in 1221, the pharmacy used medicinal herbs grown in the monastic gardens to make madications, balms and pomades for the monk infirmary. In 1600 it was open to the public and during the 18TH century it became famous in the Indies and in China.Today the Pharmacy still uses the traditional preparation mathods but the garden is far from the centre of the town.

The Pharmacy is housed ina very original building: its rooms are complete with vaulted ceilings, frescoes, glass-stoppered decanters full of colorful potionsand antique apothecary scales and mortars.

There is also a little Sacristy inside the Pharmacy, it was an aroma room in the past, the room where the distilled water was storedand for this reason it was called “Room of waters”! the walls of the Sacristy are frescoed with stories of the Passion of Christby Mariotto di Nardo ( 1385.1405)-

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